Needless to say turning the calendar page over from July to August was a very rude awakening! I managed to get all of my bio work done before we left...all in 4 days (it was a rough 4 days), and as I said before I had finished one of my summer reading books earlier. So I brought Fast Food Nation along with us (that was my book for Human Geography) on our Western tour, finished one other book after girls' camp along with FFN and now I have just one more book to read, and essay to write, and 2 spanish articles to read coupled with an oral presentation(for the first day of school) to do all before this Thursday! I've come along way, but I still have lots to do! It's been fun...kind of. I just wish I hadn't listened to my teachers when they told me to wait to do all my work until the last month, I guess that advice isn't relevant for students who were gone for 3/4 of the month-a disclaimer that should come with the package next time.
Anyways, now to the more exciting things to talk about. Our trip! It was so so much fun and I loved seeing such adorable little babes while we were gone. It was nice to see family too. Just was equally fun to see everyone! The kids are getting so old! I just wish I didn't get so overwhelmed by being around so much family, I feel like a wimp! It was an amazing trip though! Utah was fun and something I am used to seeing, it was Colorado and Idaho that were the shockers. Colorado was super pretty and Bryce and Lisa were lots of fun to be around, as well as their 2 very cute children, I wish I had pictures to show! (ours got deleted off of the camera) One night we went out to ice cream and there was a local band playing in front of the shop. Sophie really wanted to go dancing with Bryce by the music so they went down, and I followed to take pictures of course. (I did have some very cute ones!) It was so cute and fun! This place was almost like a westernized version of Harvard Square basically. The parks there were so beautiful too! Idaho was slightly more shocking...that place is desolate! I'm amazed we've met so many people from there because I have now idea where they hide them all! I wouldn't be surprised if maybe they put some people in underground cities or something, or maybe we've just met 70% of its population throughout our lives. It was a very different kind of beautiful, and I don't mean that sarcastically or meanly. It really was a very pretty place, I almost felt like lying down in a field somewhere and reading O! Pioneers. I'm not sure why though, I didn't even finish it when we read it in school. Idaho just painted that picture in my head so much better than Willa Cather ever did. Maybe now I'll understand what she wrote. It was so pretty, in fact, I'll see if I can post pictures up here. Utah was of course beautiful and interesting all in its own "special" way. While we were in Logan with the Andersons, Nicole et al took us on a hike that was amazing! It was such a beautiful hike, I could not stop taking pictures! Nicole gave me free reign of her camera so I literally just kept snapping, the place was GORGEOUS! Definitely a must see every summer visit I make (be warned Nicole). That was a small temptation to go to USU -unfortunately the tuition doesn't match that temptation I don't think. So the trip was a good one on my account!
I would be posting pictures of the trip here, but I can't find them yet, so I'll post those later. I promise! So just use your imagination for a while.
Girls' camp was equally amazing. If it is my last it will have been a good end. My councellors were amazing and I had so much fun with my friends, meeting new friends as well. Our testimony meeting at the end was so amazing as well. In fact, I think it was one of my most powerful testimony meeting experiences ever(right up there with it was our testimony meeting at youth conference this year)! I cried for the longest time during it, not only because it was a very spiritual experience but because I didn't want to leave. Who does that?!?!? I always thought you had fun at girls' camp but you were always glad to leave when it was over-too much estrogen in a condensed area+ not showering... But it was so hard to leave, I had met so many amazing people up there, I seriously could not get myself over the fact that I had to leave it all. Clearly, I've moved on, but it took a while. I was JC over some cute gals and had lots of fun with them all!
And of course there is just so much more I could talk about, but seeing as I've already written an essay on here, I might as well just show you the pictures and leave. I'd be surprised if a lot of you acutally made it to this point of the blog anyways. And to those of you who have, sorry for the length, but bare with me, it's almost over!
And now...the pictures!! of girls' camp anyways (mom let me take the digital with me):
All of us! Including First years, our CIT, and us JCs! Aren't we a cute bunch?!