Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Mama Mia

This was SUCH a good movie!!!! It was definately a little weird, but the soundtrack was really good! ...AND the movie was just too colorful(as in they used a lot of colors in the film) to not like was like eye candy! I don't know what my photography classes and all of my digital media/tv prodution, etc. classes have done with me, but they definitley help me to recognize good cinematography when I see it, and ladies and gents, this was really really really good cinematography! Every once in a while I'll see a movie like this that uses color and filming techniques that just really make the story so much better to watch! IT WAS SO GOOD!!!! The story is a little weird, so be warned, but I liked it a lot!

Monday, July 21, 2008

On Blog Overload

I guess this is what I get for not blogging in a long time. These pictures are from my birthday party. It was so much fun! We had cookies (instead of cake...) and ice cream. SO GOOD!!!

We had lots of fun! It's crazy, I'm seventeen! WOO! One year closer to eighteen!

the fourth, continued...

the played Josh Groban and Pavoratti(sp?) at the fireworks! It was AMAZING! I was so so so excited when I heard Josh!

fourth of july!!!!

It's only the BEST holiday ever!!!!
I think the pictures describe it all.


I was "hired" to babysit for a family in our ward all day for 3-4 days a week. they ended up not needing me anymore, but i had ALOT of fun with their daughter. I took her to the park at the White Elem. She wanted me to go down one of the twisty slides with her. I thought, well of course I can do that. But...well, my legs are a little longer than I anticipated, and I didn't tuck them in as much as I should have. So now I have a beautiful slide burn. They hurt!

She wanted to try on my "tea party" hat...and she looked soooo cute! I had to take a picture!
Mmmmm....and this ladies and gents is the lovely slide burn I was telling you about. SO PAINFUL!!!!!