Monday, February 4, 2013

We were blessed with several referrals this week which have kept us very busy, and continue to do so. We've met some cool people, some that we hope to start teaching this week.
Actually, funny story- we went to contact a referral and he was really nice, but kind of not sounding super interested. (side note- I hope when I'm in heaven and I'm watching the replay of my life that I don't have to rewatch some door contacts I've had- that'd be super awkward.) Anyways, so we were talking to him, and as the awkward silence started in, I noticed he had some nutrition pamphlets/ vitamins/ protein shake stuff close to the door. Turns out he's a nutrionist. Well, I may not remember most if not anything from my nutrition classes, but it gave us a way to get in the door and it worked!! We ended up talking to he and his wife for about an hour, they have a super interesting story, aside from his nutition stories. He and his wife are from Mexico and moved here because they felt that God had called them to move here (and then we stopped by, no coincidence...just saying, I'll let you know when we baptize them). They became more religious and started changing their lives around. We had a good conversation about who we are and what we teach too. Moy/ Moises (that's his name) just asked us, "so what do you teach?" (probably one of the best questions someone could ask 2 missionaries, so long as they're ready for the flood gates to open), so I tried so hard not to throw out every lesson all at once. it was fun to meet with them for a while, they're a really fun couple.  
I was able to go on exchanges in Montebello, which was really good. I learned a ton this weekend. Acually, I made a list, so here you go:
1.  trying to use every possible way to find new investigators, trying a little of everything to "cast the nets" to find those ready and prepared.

2. I want to start using more object lessons or visuals to help people understand the principles of the gospel. I really feel that it'll help our investigators to progress.

3. not limiting myself in terms of how to do missionary work. being creative with it and having fun as we teach. I think I've tended in some ways to limit myself in terms of what I can do as a misisonary (in terms of work...not rules), which I think has kept me from finding and teaching like I could and reaching the potential I have.

4. being positive. nothing kills our work like negativity. for sure- this is very true.

5. being mindful of the talents and gifts heavenly father has given each of us. I can't try to be exactly like another missionary and expect the same results. Heavenly Father has given us specific talents and gifts. If I can apply the same principles that bring success to who I am, then He can use me maximally as His instrument.

6. I was able to get alot of ideas on language study ideas to help Hna. Connelly (and me), as well as some ideas on what we can do to find, teach, working with, and gaining the trust of, members, etc. which was really helpful- again with the not limiting myself thing.
There were a couple nonmembers and less actives this week at church that haven't been there forever or that we haven't seen for a long time, so we're looking forward to working with them! Especially this one woman, Berta. She's the aunt of one of the members in our ward. Her niece invited her and she said she loooooves it. Our Sunday school class was on the Restoration and Relief Society was on the Plan of Salvation, so it was perfect! It's awesome to watch so many members eager to share the gospel with those around them.
miss and love you all,
Hna. LaPierre

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